Monday, December 29, 2008

What a day!!!?

Okay, it's me - the guy with the ADHD.

I was a bit psyched up for work yesterday, as it had been a while since I had been in, and we had 84 patients (7 of them were new patient exams), and I knew we couldn't let things get behind.

All the preparation went reasonably well. I focused on meditation/visualization of how I wanted the day to go, and listened to a few Podcasts from EnnerSanctum and My Thought Coach to get in the right mindset. I fell asleep at 10pm, which was great, but I woke up at 4am, and could tell very soon that I wasn't going to be sleeping anymore.

I managed to get a little excercise in, and psyched up on the 40 minute drive to the office with some more podcasts. I told everyone at the start of the day what we would need to do to stay on time, and to not mind me if I seemed upset more than usual, that I wasn't I was just letting my true feelings show more now. It worked great. I hardly had to growl at all, and specifically thanked everyone that assisted in the manner I had specifically asked for. We also started most of our exams, so it was a BIG day for us. The problem is that I was pooped when I got home, and didn't feel up to going to a movie with the kids. They mostly got over it pretty quickly, and went with mom happily, but I could tell there was disappointment in Thomas's face when he knew I wasn't going. He kept asking for me to come.

After they left, and my dinner energy kicked in, I was sorry that I didn't go. I could have done it. It would have been a little touch, but sitting around at home didn't SAVE my energy. I have another BIG day tomorrow, as it's only a 2 day week. Hopefully I won't wake up so early this time!!!! (I didn't mention that I was dreaming about trying to get into Orthodontic School, and was relieved to wake up and say "Oh good, I'm already in and through with that!")

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